Here’s Your June Horoscope For Your Zodiac Placement

Cleopatra In Vegas
13 min readJun 1, 2023

June’s a month with a slew of astrological happenings going on; here’s how your zodiac sign will experience the transits.

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June is a month with a bunch of astrological events.

  • 6/3 Full Moon in Sagittarius
  • 6/5 Venus Enters Leo
  • 6/11 Pluto Retrogrades Back Into Capricorn
  • 6/11 Mercury in Gemini
  • 6/17 Saturn Retrograde
  • 6/17 New Moon in Gemini
  • 6/18 Venus Enters Pre-Shadow Retrograde
  • 6/21 Sun in Cancer
  • 6/25 Mercury in Cancer
  • 6/30 Neptune Retrograde

Remember to look at this scope from your rising sign perspective for the best outcome. I also suggest using your Big 3 — your Sun, Moon, and Rising — to better understand how this will affect you in particular.

You can also find this information using online chart calculators if you need more clarification on what your Big 3 are.

Astrodienst, Astroseek, and Astro Charts are the top websites to research your horoscope data. Or, if you prefer using a smartphone, the best apps to download are Timepassages…



Cleopatra In Vegas

Astrologer & Life Coach helping you understand what's occurring in the cosmos, self-growth & relationship advice. Top writer